10172 : Can you help me, to disable any drag or change time in the gantt area.


Can you help me, to disable any drag  or change time in the gant area. I want to give the editing outside the phgant. I don’t want the users to edit the time or the row of the Gantt.


In phGantTimePackage this can be handled with properties on the IphGantRow3.


In the GTP.NET 2.0 you have even better control; you set properties on the TimeItemLayout:

 AllowChangeRow  Limits the degrees of freedom available to user 
 AllowLinkReAssignStart  Controls if link re-assign can be done for the start of a link 
 AllowLinkReAssignTarget  Controls if link re-assign can be done for the target of a link 
 AllowLinkSelectionStart  Controls if link selection can be done for the start of a link 
 AllowLinkSelectionTarget  Controls if link selection can be done for the targer of a link 
 AllowMove  Limits the degrees of freedom available to user 
 AllowResizeEast  Limits the degrees of freedom available to user 
 AllowResizeWest  Limits the degrees of freedom available to user 

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