11149 : Is there a way to find if the time item is changing a row in the OnValueChangedGantTime event.



My question is – Is there a way to find if the time item is changing a row in the OnValueChangedGantTime event.

The thing that I am doing cannot be done in or after the OnGantTimeChangeRow event.

I tried using the theGant.RowList.FindRowFromY(lngY).TreeNode.GridRowIndex but it does not work for some cases.




Use the theGant.RowList.FindRowFromY(IphGantX3.MousePositionGantArea.Y) if the returned row is different than the row currently owning the time item (theDataEntity_GantTime.Row) this is a move…


You can check this in the OnHintInfo event and put the information in a membervariable that you later read in the OnValueChangedGantTime event.


Check the argument theDataEntity!=null, and also check IphGantX3.GetMouseMoveMode==mmMove.

If both these are true, the user is moving a time item…

Use something like this then:




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